Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We got invited to go eat corn on Saturday. Although, I wasn't that excited about the corn, because Dad grows the best, I was excited about getting out of the city. We went to Carmen's grandparents' farm. We arrived there, and Carmen prepared lunch for us. Then we played soccer in the dirt road, which was so much fun. The kids also played. Afterward we at some corn, which was not that bad, but still does not compare to Dad's corn. Then we left and spent time at Carmen's mom's house. I played tag with the kids and talked to Alondra. On the way home Paula, Carmen's daughter, sat on my life. I started talking to her and said how I didn't see very many stars. She said she saw a lot of them. Then I realized she was talking about the lights from the streets. I started thinking about how bright the lights are in the dark. In this world sometimes it seems so dark with bad health, deaths, pain, and etc. Yet, we have Jesus. We live in a world full of sin and hurting people. We are the lights. Jesus shines through us and gives us hope to live. He gives us overflowing joy in this life. As christians, we can enjoy life because of our God, who gives us so many blessings, and freedom. I am reminded of Ecclesiastes. Enjoy life, fear God, and keep his commandments. There are so many people that don't realize that through Jesus we have purpose to life. I know that I am in a country as an apprentice missionary;however, I still need to be reminded sometimes of how much we are blessed to be able to have this good news, so that I may share it with others. In conclusion, Annie and I were very blessed to be able to spend time with her family. I pray that Jesus shines through us in our actions to their family.