Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The blessing of teammates

Lately, I have really been missing family, country(as in out of the city), and friends. I have been sad and mellow. This morning I got up and ran in a beautiful park, which was wonderful. Then we payed rent, went to prayer, had our team meeting, and ate together as a team. After we got finished eating, Megan and I decided to go to Starbucks and talk. I just needed to sit down and talk to someone away from the apartment. So I ordered my favorite Toffee Nut Latte, and we talked and share with one another. We read 2 Corinthians 4 and 5. We talked a lot about how we are dead to ourselves but alive in Christ. We are His slaves. These two verses encouraged me:
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor 4:17-18

God is so good to give me Megan. I am really encouraged, and I needed her today. I love her so much. God knows all and has everything under control. I can take a breath and not worry, because my life is in God's hands. I will continue to serve Him and glorify Him today. How has God blessed you today? Let's not forget that we have the Holy Spirit (our guarantee) and will soon be with God for eternity!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a few things

The month of July has been filled with many things. For example, I went to Guadalajara for a week. Then I helped at a VBS in Guanajuato as a song leader assistant. I went to Saltillo, which is in North Mexico, for a National Youth Reunion. There is so much more that has happened in my relationships with Mexicans and teammates. God has richly blessed me and I cannot describe the joy and thankfulness that I have inside of me as I write this. It is so back word according to the world to be sad because I miss my family and yet at the same time be filled with overflowing joy, hope, and love. Lupita and I were studying on Sunday after church and she was telling me that something that attracted her to the church and being a Christian was the joy that we have as children of God. It was such a good reminder for me, because I sometimes forget the joy I have in Christ or sometimes I just take it for granite...................... REWIND............... I have something super duper exciting to tell you. The night that we got back from the youth rally Friday 25th, Lupita made the decision to get baptized, to follow Christ(she didn't go to the youth rally though). She has been studying with Omar and I and finally decided that she was ready and couldn't wait any longer. Her family is catholic. I don't know that they are very devout; however, because her parents were not going to attend her baptism it was hard for her. Continuing...the night she became a Christian, she brought three friends to watch. There was also many people from the church there. It was a night of rejoicing, the gathering of the saints, and a new baby born. She was filled with joy and looked beautiful. For me it was one of the best nights ever! I not only have a good friend but I know now that I will get to spend eternity with her. I also am excited to share joys and struggles together as we continue to grow in Christ. Now we have a connection through Christ that we didn't have before. Praise God for working in her and deciding to follow Christ!