Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gracias a Dios!!

Before the time changed, I was able to see the sunrises pretty regularly. It was a great way to start the morning and be reminded of God's power and awesomeness. God is so good! He has blessed all of us LAIMers in so many ways. Here are some ways:
Lately, I have been able to hang out with the Mexicans a lot. Yesterday I played basketball. Saturday, the youth group and us aimers went to play some volleyball and games. It was fun. I miss playing sports sometimes like I used to; however, God has blessed me to be able to play sports with family and different friends everyonce in a while.
Recently, Itsel a cousin of a family of the church, just got baptized. She is a really sweet girl. I enjoy talking to her. She will be moving back to Mexico City to be with her family. She will need our prayers to stand against the Devil's schemes.
Sunday, I was able to meet Lupita's family. As a new christian, Lupita is maturing. We have been studying seperately and together sometimes, she has been spending time with the church more, and I can see more joy in her. She works at an orphanage late nights and early mornings, which makes it hard for her to be able to do a lot of things, but I pray she is putting God 1st in her life. I thank God for putting her in my life. She is so special to me!
My birthday was amazing! My mom and grandparents were able to visit me the week before and see our family in Christ here. Then on the day of my birthday, the ladies' sang to me. Barb made me a cookie cake and gave me the awesome Leon mug. Lupita went all out, buying a cake, presents, and writing a sweet card. She spent a lot of the day with me too. Megan payed for me to get a pedicure. There are so many others that hung out with me on my birthday. I am loved and blessed. My favorite thing was the time I got to spend with everybody!
I have been teaching the kids class on Sunday nights. I need more helpers, but I know that God will provide. Even though it is challenging, the kids and I are learning a lot. The experience is good for me, so that I may be able to teach better in the future. One of the coolest things about teaching the kids is that they want to play with me more and talk to me more.


anniekatejones said...

hey! good job with the kids! i love you! we should have another sunset roof time..

Toni Burns said...

J'Lae, I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Please give your family our love