Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gracias a Dios!!

Before the time changed, I was able to see the sunrises pretty regularly. It was a great way to start the morning and be reminded of God's power and awesomeness. God is so good! He has blessed all of us LAIMers in so many ways. Here are some ways:
Lately, I have been able to hang out with the Mexicans a lot. Yesterday I played basketball. Saturday, the youth group and us aimers went to play some volleyball and games. It was fun. I miss playing sports sometimes like I used to; however, God has blessed me to be able to play sports with family and different friends everyonce in a while.
Recently, Itsel a cousin of a family of the church, just got baptized. She is a really sweet girl. I enjoy talking to her. She will be moving back to Mexico City to be with her family. She will need our prayers to stand against the Devil's schemes.
Sunday, I was able to meet Lupita's family. As a new christian, Lupita is maturing. We have been studying seperately and together sometimes, she has been spending time with the church more, and I can see more joy in her. She works at an orphanage late nights and early mornings, which makes it hard for her to be able to do a lot of things, but I pray she is putting God 1st in her life. I thank God for putting her in my life. She is so special to me!
My birthday was amazing! My mom and grandparents were able to visit me the week before and see our family in Christ here. Then on the day of my birthday, the ladies' sang to me. Barb made me a cookie cake and gave me the awesome Leon mug. Lupita went all out, buying a cake, presents, and writing a sweet card. She spent a lot of the day with me too. Megan payed for me to get a pedicure. There are so many others that hung out with me on my birthday. I am loved and blessed. My favorite thing was the time I got to spend with everybody!
I have been teaching the kids class on Sunday nights. I need more helpers, but I know that God will provide. Even though it is challenging, the kids and I are learning a lot. The experience is good for me, so that I may be able to teach better in the future. One of the coolest things about teaching the kids is that they want to play with me more and talk to me more.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We got invited to go eat corn on Saturday. Although, I wasn't that excited about the corn, because Dad grows the best, I was excited about getting out of the city. We went to Carmen's grandparents' farm. We arrived there, and Carmen prepared lunch for us. Then we played soccer in the dirt road, which was so much fun. The kids also played. Afterward we at some corn, which was not that bad, but still does not compare to Dad's corn. Then we left and spent time at Carmen's mom's house. I played tag with the kids and talked to Alondra. On the way home Paula, Carmen's daughter, sat on my life. I started talking to her and said how I didn't see very many stars. She said she saw a lot of them. Then I realized she was talking about the lights from the streets. I started thinking about how bright the lights are in the dark. In this world sometimes it seems so dark with bad health, deaths, pain, and etc. Yet, we have Jesus. We live in a world full of sin and hurting people. We are the lights. Jesus shines through us and gives us hope to live. He gives us overflowing joy in this life. As christians, we can enjoy life because of our God, who gives us so many blessings, and freedom. I am reminded of Ecclesiastes. Enjoy life, fear God, and keep his commandments. There are so many people that don't realize that through Jesus we have purpose to life. I know that I am in a country as an apprentice missionary;however, I still need to be reminded sometimes of how much we are blessed to be able to have this good news, so that I may share it with others. In conclusion, Annie and I were very blessed to be able to spend time with her family. I pray that Jesus shines through us in our actions to their family.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dia de la independencia

On the eve of the Independence Day, I was blessed to serve the Lord in many ways. In the morning, Lupita and I were able to chat, sing and study together. I was very exhausted and discouraged, because I have been spending a lot of time with people and have lacked to feed myself. Therefore, to be honest, I wasn't really excited about spending more time with people. However, when we sang and studied together, God blessed me and encouraged me through Lupita. As I was studying with her, I felt that she was teaching me. It was relieving that I don't always have to be giving, sharing, and always on the ball in my relationship with her. At the same time, I love sharing and spending time with her, because I love her and care so much about her walk with God. I had prayed this morning that God would give me the strength to continue serving Him. He gave me more that I could have imagined and worked through me despite of my flaws and weaknesses. I praise God that He is so much more than we could ask for.

After my study with Lupita, I came home. Nadia, Megan, Annie, Jazmin, and I cooked lunch together. Nadia wanted to learn how to make something Amercian, so we made meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. It was good to spend time together. By the way, it was delicious. Mom, I miss your homecooked meals.

Next, we got ready, and we went to the church to decorate for the Independence Party. We dressed up in red, green, and white. There were also mexican dishes. Pozole, which is a soup with hominy and salsa, is a very common dish during the holidays. I believe the church really enjoyed the fellowship together.

The grito is a re-enactment of when Miguel Hidalgo encouraged the people to revolt against the Spainiards. We went downtown to participate in the grito. There were a lot of people gathered together as we yelled viva mexico and sang the national anthem. Beautiful fireworks were also displayed this night! I am blessed to be able to experience a different culture!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Team Leon

Ben will be leaving soon! Therefore, we have been spending a lot of time together. It has been a blessing to work with these people. I don't know what we would do without the boys. They keep us laughing and on our feet. They are sweet too (when they want to be). God is good and knew what he was doing when he put us together. What an awesome God we have!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Prayer Requests

Racing at the arcade reminds me of how life flies by and how much smoother it is when we place God 1st letting Him guide us through life. I have been thinking and praying more and more about how long I will be staying here in Leon. I have not decided yet; however, I have been leaning more towards staying til mid February. I would like to stay longer than December, because I will be graduating from AIM in March. Also I plan on attending a university in Lubbock of August 2009. God has blessed me through being here and will continue to bless me through whatever decisions I make. However, please pray that I make wise decisions. Things are changing and I will be facing new challenges and experiences when I get back to the states. I know that these decisions that I will be making will affect my future, so pray that I am smart and enjoy life at the same time. Through all my future decisions, I want to glorify God! He is the one who gives me life and reason for life, so I must give Him my praise by my life! Thank you for all of your support and I love you all!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mexican Farm

Have you ever felt really blessed or either really spoiled and selfish after seeing the quantity of things that another has? Yesterday, Annie, her dad, Roger, and I went to Carmen's Grandma's house. She picked us up at 3 p.m. and drove about 30 min away from Leon. We stopped and visited with her Mom at her house for a little while. She fed us eggs with cactus, beans, and tortillas. They were delicious and probably also very healthy. After we ate, we went to the farm where their grandma and grandpa live. We played the dice game from the Pirates of the Carribean.They grow corn, watermelon, peanuts, squash, beans, cactus, and different plants. They also have ducks, chickens, donkeys, goats, pigeons, dogs, and cats. They live in a very small house; although, I did not see inside of it. I did get to see the first house that they lived in. It was a small one room house with a dirt floor. Even though they do not have very many things, they are very content. They were very welcome to us, and Carmen enjoyed showing us their crops and where she grew up. The grandma amazed me. She is around 73 years old and does not look a day older that 60. I believe that she works really hard on the farm and eats very well.
The blessings in all of this is getting to see how Jesus works in all of their lives, including all of ours. When we put Him first nothing else is important and everything becomes a wonderful experience. Daily God full fills us as no one else can. I praise God for new experiences like this one.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The blessing of teammates

Lately, I have really been missing family, country(as in out of the city), and friends. I have been sad and mellow. This morning I got up and ran in a beautiful park, which was wonderful. Then we payed rent, went to prayer, had our team meeting, and ate together as a team. After we got finished eating, Megan and I decided to go to Starbucks and talk. I just needed to sit down and talk to someone away from the apartment. So I ordered my favorite Toffee Nut Latte, and we talked and share with one another. We read 2 Corinthians 4 and 5. We talked a lot about how we are dead to ourselves but alive in Christ. We are His slaves. These two verses encouraged me:
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor 4:17-18

God is so good to give me Megan. I am really encouraged, and I needed her today. I love her so much. God knows all and has everything under control. I can take a breath and not worry, because my life is in God's hands. I will continue to serve Him and glorify Him today. How has God blessed you today? Let's not forget that we have the Holy Spirit (our guarantee) and will soon be with God for eternity!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a few things

The month of July has been filled with many things. For example, I went to Guadalajara for a week. Then I helped at a VBS in Guanajuato as a song leader assistant. I went to Saltillo, which is in North Mexico, for a National Youth Reunion. There is so much more that has happened in my relationships with Mexicans and teammates. God has richly blessed me and I cannot describe the joy and thankfulness that I have inside of me as I write this. It is so back word according to the world to be sad because I miss my family and yet at the same time be filled with overflowing joy, hope, and love. Lupita and I were studying on Sunday after church and she was telling me that something that attracted her to the church and being a Christian was the joy that we have as children of God. It was such a good reminder for me, because I sometimes forget the joy I have in Christ or sometimes I just take it for granite...................... REWIND............... I have something super duper exciting to tell you. The night that we got back from the youth rally Friday 25th, Lupita made the decision to get baptized, to follow Christ(she didn't go to the youth rally though). She has been studying with Omar and I and finally decided that she was ready and couldn't wait any longer. Her family is catholic. I don't know that they are very devout; however, because her parents were not going to attend her baptism it was hard for her. Continuing...the night she became a Christian, she brought three friends to watch. There was also many people from the church there. It was a night of rejoicing, the gathering of the saints, and a new baby born. She was filled with joy and looked beautiful. For me it was one of the best nights ever! I not only have a good friend but I know now that I will get to spend eternity with her. I also am excited to share joys and struggles together as we continue to grow in Christ. Now we have a connection through Christ that we didn't have before. Praise God for working in her and deciding to follow Christ!

Monday, June 16, 2008

My monday

God blessed me with a beautiful day today. This morning I woke up and enjoyed a run in the park. I talked to Rosa the juice lady, who is a friend. Annie and I have a tab with her, so that we don't have to carry our money while we run. Then I organized my study on the heart for our monday night girls group. Next, I met with Lupita and studied English with her. We studied on Acts 14:8-20 which is about the people who called Paul and Barnabas gods. I really liked how Paul and Barnabas's response. They had a purpose and carried it out courageously. It also says talks about how God is the one who gives us good things such as rain and fills our hearts with joy. As I remember the sunset and storm that I saw last night, I was amazed at how good and powerful God really is. Seeing nature, God's art, gives me a peace and calmness that I can't explain. In addition to, we talked about why some people worship men and material things instead of God. I said because God is not tangible. She said because people like the priests lie and people listen because they think that priests are knowledgeable. What a sad truth!

Next, I taught the group that we host in our apartment on Mondays. I taught about the heart, starting in Genisis 4. We read the story of Cain and Abel, talking about the motives and heart of Cain. Then we read Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira. In the same way, Ananias's heart was not right, even though the action of giving is good. We looked up verses about the motives of the heart, singing with our hearts, and in whatever we do, doing it with all our heart. Then, we read Proverbs 4:20-27. We talk about filling our heart with God's word, guarding it from the world, and choosing paths that are godly. In conclusion, which is the best part, we read Mt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Isn't that awesome to have that hope and guarantee. I hope that we will be able to notice our hearts and motives this week. I pray that we will live a life of worship, pleasing God, even when we are on the bus.

To finish off a wonderful day, Annie and I ate supper on our roof watching the sunset and sharing our lives.

Praise and thanks to God for a wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Since, I have gotten back from the states, which was on the 4th, I have been to the orphanage twice. I recently just got back from reading the story about Jericho and Israelites marching around the walls. The kids really enjoyed the story. Afterward, we tried to reenact the walls with chairs and marching around. The week before this one, we played duck, duck, goose after Megan read a story. They especially liked playing this game. The kids really touch my heart with their laughter and smiles. There was one girl who kept smiling from ear to ear even though she didn't really know how to play the game. Also, I was amazed at how much the kids look up to us. They chose a lot to be the goose.

Today when we went there, I got a little sad thinking about how they are not really wanted by their parents and are not being showed the love that they need. However, the people that work there are doing a really good job there. One girl asked if we would take her to our house. I don't realize how blessed I am by being raised by the parents that I have. I pray that these precious kids will learn that God loves them and wants them so much.

Monday, May 19, 2008


So Saturday Annie and I left the house around 9:30 to meet Carmen and her two daughters Paula and Abi to visit Carmen's family outside of Leon. We got on a bus from there and left. We were on the bus for 30-45 min. I sat by Carmen and talked to her about a lot of things. I showed her what I was reading in Romans 12. She liked it and had never read it before. It was encouraging because she also told me that her family and her were trying to memorize some verses. When we arrived we walked on the dirt roads to their house. We arrived and met Carmen's mom for the first time. She was very quite but really sweet. She made us yummy quesadillas. A lot of her grandkids and kids were there in the house. They were playing games. After we had eaten, we sat down on the mini couches, which is pretty normal, and talked a lot. I learned two spanish tongue twisters. We also sang church songs. So they ate breakfast around 11 and then we ate Lupper (my new word Lunch + Supper) around 6 or 7. Isn't that crazy. I definitely felt faint and had to have a little snack and some water from a little tienda. By the way, I think this is typical for Mexicans. We ate lunch /supper in the mall. Then we went Skating in the mall which was a lot of fun. I will have to post some pictures later!
Anyways this was a fun day and a very blessed day in Mexico!

The next day one youth teenager told me that when my team and I left the field he imagined that they would miss us like we miss our family. I was amazed at how much they really do look up to us and love us!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The blessings of 1 Year

"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home of brothers or sisters or mother of father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life..." Mark 10:29-30

May 8 of 2007, I arrived here in Leon. Last year I was welcomed here by missionaries, aimers, and church family. I do not feel like I have been here a year. However, as I reflect, I realize that I have grown in so many ways. I have also been blessed in so many ways.
Just a few blessings that God has given me in the past year;

A new family- I do love the people here. They really do care for me and are striving to know God. The more I have learned Spanish and have been able to communicate with them, the more I want to encourage them to be more Christ like, serve them, and just simple share with them as a sister in Christ. God is so good and has given me so much.

My relationship with God- I am growing; however, I have struggled and still do. At times I seem to be on fire and others I feel that I am not growing. Feelings are not always reliable though. Something that I have noticed, while going through difficult times, is how I always have joy. I don't mean that I am always happy, but I have my hope in Christ and the fact that He rose and someday I will be with Him. I am so thankful that I have the Holy Spirit, who gets me through the day, overflows me with joy, and works through me in ways that I can't imagine. I have learned many important lessons. One being that God is my true Love. He is someone I can rely on, trust in, and will always be the same
Friends and Mentors- The missionaries, my teammates, and I have become family and friends. We share together and encourage one another to keep going. Shawn and Omar have taught us a lot through their classes, but mostly through examples. Tana and Barb have also taught me many things. Even though they are older than me and have kids, I think of them as friends and really look up to them. I have learned a lot from their advice and example also. I am so blessed to have Tana and Barb. They not only lead the Ladies in church but Annie, Megan, and I.

Mexican Culture- Another blessing is learning a different culture. My eyes have been open to a different way of thinking and living. I realize that I have grown up in a wealthy country and am very blessed in more than one way. I have learned and am still learning Spanish. I pray that Spanish will open many doors for me to minister to people in the states and much more.
There are so many blessings that I have received since I have been here. I may not realize all of them till I leave. I thank God for putting me here. He has a bigger plan than I can imagine!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spanish Lesson

Yesterday, was a very filled day. I studied Acts with Brenda and got ready for our afternoon La Tarde de Damas de Fe. I taught the group of girls or led the discussion about prayer. It was my first time to teach a lesson in Spanish to a group, well I have taught the kids in the church. God really spoke through me and the discussion went really well. I had prayed about what I was going to teach, thought, and meditated on it a lot. We looked at several verses, and I reminded them that God is our friend. We should have a relationship with Him. We should want to talk to him and listen to Him.
One verse that I really liked that we read was 1 Pt 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you. Also in Mt 7:7-11 much more will God give good gifts.
God really spoke through His Word and me. We grew closer together and I hope that we will all improve in our prayer lives. One thing that we did was decorate prayer boxes. I hope that we will all use the boxes to cast our anxities on the Lord and give them to Him. I pray that we will become Women of Faith and continue to shine in this World. The best thing about teaching was how God spoke through me and His Word. I was not nervous and I was able to share my heart and thoughts of prayer with the girls and the language was not a barrier. I am amazed at God and how He did more than I could ask or imagine (Eph). One goal that I have in the future is to teach Ladies or girls like this in the states. I will continue my ministry wherever I may be. I do not have to be a missionary or AIMer to serve the Lord. I could never stop anyways. I overflow
with joy when I share Jesus and His Word.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Sundays are usually encouraging, learning, exhausting, and fun days. Today was one of those days for sure, but mostly encouraging and fun.

This morning Shawn preached and I understood a lot. He preached on how we are redeemed and were once slaves. He used Hosea as the text and talked about how he had to buy her back. In the same way, we were bought at a price. (1 Cor 6:19-2o)

This afternoon, some of us went to the park and played soccer. Playing soccer and hanging out with Carmen, Alondra, and more is definitely one of my favorite things to do here. Language, which can still be a barrier sometimes, is not required to play. Even in our own language, we just need to give our tongue a rest. All to often we forget to laugh and relax. I recently studied with a girl named Lupita about Romans 1:18-23. Everybody can see that there is a God through what he has made: the sky, nature, us, and etc. As I play soccer with a family that loves me, look at the beautiful sky, and am filled with an indescribable joy, there is no way that I can fail to realize that God is God. He is good! He has put me here for a purpose. He made the world for us to enjoy! He loves me and you! He has a plan for us, far beyond our imagination! Praise God for the blessings that He has given me today! Praise God for showing me how much He loves me through a simple thing, soccer! Why would anyone want to miss out on knowing God, who cares so much? Is there something that God has done in your day to show you His love for you?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our trip to San Miguel

Last Thursday Megan, Bill, and I took a trip to San Miguel. We had never been there before and wanted to see some different cities in Mexico. I needed to get away from Leon. Sometimes this 2-3 million city can get overwhelming or suffocating. So we left Leon at 8:30 a.m. and arrived in San Miguel at 11 a.m. We went to the center and ate breakfast, which was delicious chilequiles, one of my favorite dishes. Then we wondered around the city, looking at the city and shopping a little. We were amazed at how many tourists (white people) there were. In Leon there are not as many of us. San Miguel is a really beautiful colonial city where some retired Americans live. We also went swimming at a man made hot spring. It was a lot of fun.

On the trip I was able to read from 2 Corinthians. Through my reading, I have gained confidence and comfort through Christ. I am amazed at the power that God has. Here is an awesome verse that reminds me of how blessed I am in Christ:
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Do you have verse in 2 Corinthians that has encouraged you or taught you something?

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Marble

I was cleaning my room today and as I swept I hear this marble going across my floor. Now don't laugh but this marble has been on the ground in my room for two or three weeks. I have swept knowing it was there but didn't do anything. Finally, I picked it up. I thought of how there are so many things that I know I need to do and I don't do them or I take forever to do them, known as procrastinating. James really comes to life when he says in chapter 2:14 & 22 "What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?...........his faith was made complete by what he did" Let's organize, know what we must do, and do it! Eph 5:16 Reminds us that the days are evil so we must make the most of every opportunity! 1 Thessalonians 5:14 says to warn those who are idle. Not doing something or just simply putting it off may be laziness.

Side note: Let's not beat ourselves up about things we haven't done or need to do, but realize that we can now and take action!