Wednesday, May 1, 2013

El ministerio de la Casa de Esperanza en Honduras

            El 8 de marzo en el año 2013 un grupo de la iglesia de Cristo de Lubbock fue a Tegucigalpa (Honduras). Llegaron en San Pedro (Sula) por avión. Viajamos en camión a un pueblito que se llama Ojojona que está cerca de Tegucigalpa. En Ojojona dormimos pero servimos a la gente en la ciudad de Tegucigalpa y los suburbios de allí. La Casa de Esperanza tiene una ubicación a un lado de Ojojona. Los dueños de la Casa de Esperanza organizaron la semana para mi grupo. Toda la semana trabajamos para servir y amar a la gente de Honduras y mostrarles un ejemplo de Cristo a través de nuestras acciones.
            Tres días después que llegamos mi grupo fuimos al climaterio o el basurero municipal para animar y alimentar a la gente que trabajan cada día allá. Muchos recogen plásticos y  cosas reciclables a fin de proveer alimentos para su familia. El trabajo era difícil y el lugar era feo debido al olor de la basura. Conocimos a la gente cuando estaban comiendo el arroz y los frijoles. Uno de los hombres le gustó escuchar de Cristo y como será los cielos un día si obedecemos la palabra de Dios. Cuando se acabó la comida cantábamos sobre el Señor y temas felices, la gente por el momento estaba en un estado de ánimo.
            A los tres días siguientes una forma de servir que hicimos en Honduras fue la construcción de dos casas. El primer día llegamos al sitio de construcción y en lugar de la casa estaban las cenizas de la casa que quemó. La semana pasada la dueña de la casa cocinaba y encendía un fuego por accidente en la cocina. Era el tiempo seco de Honduras y no había llovido hace un mes o más.  Una topadora vino y formó la tierra a nivel. Después de mover toda la que sobró del accidente empezábamos a construir la casa. Construimos la casa con madera y clavos. Terminamos con la casa en dos días. La dueña nos agradeció y nos dijo que estaba emocionada para las bendiciones que Dios nos iba a regalarnos por ayudarla. Yo me sentí muy impresionada por su confianza en Dios y corazón de agradecimiento.

Mi esposo a la derecha dijo, "Me animó mucho ver a la gente
 tan gozosa después que construimos sus casas
            El día siguiente construimos una casa más para una familia de cuatro. El padre o el dueño de la casa nos ayudó por el día entero. Nos alegramos de su ayuda y cómo se cambió su cara de seria a gozoso. La casa está hecha de madera también y tiene tres camas, una ventana y una puerta. Fue gratificante construir una casa para una familia que la necesitaba mucho. Después de construir las casas mi esposo y yo regalamos una biblia a los dueños. Queríamos dar algo que puedan leer para animarles espiritualmente.  La biblia les gustó y nos despedimos.
            Casi el ultimo día, un servicio pequeño en que participamos tuvo mucho significado. Visitamos a los niños en un hospital en Tegucigalpa. Representamos una obra pequeña de Dios para los niños. Dimos juguetes y más a los niños. También conocimos a los niños que tenían cáncer. Los niños sonrieron y estuvieron agradecidos.
            Hay muchos caminos para servir y ayudar a la sociedad de Honduras. Se puede visitar a los enfermos, alimentar a la gente, cantar y construir casas. Igual que allá, donde sea hay oportunidades de servir. Cristo nos amó y sirvió. Yo creo que debemos tener un corazón abierto para ver a la gente que necesita un poco de nuestro tiempo para ayudarles. Después el viaje a Honduras mis pensamientos y acciones cambiaron para ser más amables con los demás.   

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jazmin has been such a blessing in my life! An awesome Texas sunset. God is so big!

Wow it has been so long since I have written. I have moved to Texas. I am missing Leon, Mexico. However, God is so good and is giving me what I need at this time in my life. God has given me friends and family to encourage me and to listen to me. I am so thankful for them.
It is amazing to me how we can do so many things in life and our Father is here supporting us and cheering us on. He wants us to do those things that make us happy. How marvelous it is to have a Father who's wisdom is unfathomable! He works in our lives through the bad and good and gives us freedom to do what we like. Even though I am not on the "mission field", I am so excited to see what opportunities God is going to give me to serve Him. When I think of all He has done, does, and will do when I don't deserve anything, I want to love Him and do His will so much more. I pray that us in the United States will continue to serve Him and teach others of this inexpressible joy that God gives us.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gracias a Dios!!

Before the time changed, I was able to see the sunrises pretty regularly. It was a great way to start the morning and be reminded of God's power and awesomeness. God is so good! He has blessed all of us LAIMers in so many ways. Here are some ways:
Lately, I have been able to hang out with the Mexicans a lot. Yesterday I played basketball. Saturday, the youth group and us aimers went to play some volleyball and games. It was fun. I miss playing sports sometimes like I used to; however, God has blessed me to be able to play sports with family and different friends everyonce in a while.
Recently, Itsel a cousin of a family of the church, just got baptized. She is a really sweet girl. I enjoy talking to her. She will be moving back to Mexico City to be with her family. She will need our prayers to stand against the Devil's schemes.
Sunday, I was able to meet Lupita's family. As a new christian, Lupita is maturing. We have been studying seperately and together sometimes, she has been spending time with the church more, and I can see more joy in her. She works at an orphanage late nights and early mornings, which makes it hard for her to be able to do a lot of things, but I pray she is putting God 1st in her life. I thank God for putting her in my life. She is so special to me!
My birthday was amazing! My mom and grandparents were able to visit me the week before and see our family in Christ here. Then on the day of my birthday, the ladies' sang to me. Barb made me a cookie cake and gave me the awesome Leon mug. Lupita went all out, buying a cake, presents, and writing a sweet card. She spent a lot of the day with me too. Megan payed for me to get a pedicure. There are so many others that hung out with me on my birthday. I am loved and blessed. My favorite thing was the time I got to spend with everybody!
I have been teaching the kids class on Sunday nights. I need more helpers, but I know that God will provide. Even though it is challenging, the kids and I are learning a lot. The experience is good for me, so that I may be able to teach better in the future. One of the coolest things about teaching the kids is that they want to play with me more and talk to me more.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We got invited to go eat corn on Saturday. Although, I wasn't that excited about the corn, because Dad grows the best, I was excited about getting out of the city. We went to Carmen's grandparents' farm. We arrived there, and Carmen prepared lunch for us. Then we played soccer in the dirt road, which was so much fun. The kids also played. Afterward we at some corn, which was not that bad, but still does not compare to Dad's corn. Then we left and spent time at Carmen's mom's house. I played tag with the kids and talked to Alondra. On the way home Paula, Carmen's daughter, sat on my life. I started talking to her and said how I didn't see very many stars. She said she saw a lot of them. Then I realized she was talking about the lights from the streets. I started thinking about how bright the lights are in the dark. In this world sometimes it seems so dark with bad health, deaths, pain, and etc. Yet, we have Jesus. We live in a world full of sin and hurting people. We are the lights. Jesus shines through us and gives us hope to live. He gives us overflowing joy in this life. As christians, we can enjoy life because of our God, who gives us so many blessings, and freedom. I am reminded of Ecclesiastes. Enjoy life, fear God, and keep his commandments. There are so many people that don't realize that through Jesus we have purpose to life. I know that I am in a country as an apprentice missionary;however, I still need to be reminded sometimes of how much we are blessed to be able to have this good news, so that I may share it with others. In conclusion, Annie and I were very blessed to be able to spend time with her family. I pray that Jesus shines through us in our actions to their family.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dia de la independencia

On the eve of the Independence Day, I was blessed to serve the Lord in many ways. In the morning, Lupita and I were able to chat, sing and study together. I was very exhausted and discouraged, because I have been spending a lot of time with people and have lacked to feed myself. Therefore, to be honest, I wasn't really excited about spending more time with people. However, when we sang and studied together, God blessed me and encouraged me through Lupita. As I was studying with her, I felt that she was teaching me. It was relieving that I don't always have to be giving, sharing, and always on the ball in my relationship with her. At the same time, I love sharing and spending time with her, because I love her and care so much about her walk with God. I had prayed this morning that God would give me the strength to continue serving Him. He gave me more that I could have imagined and worked through me despite of my flaws and weaknesses. I praise God that He is so much more than we could ask for.

After my study with Lupita, I came home. Nadia, Megan, Annie, Jazmin, and I cooked lunch together. Nadia wanted to learn how to make something Amercian, so we made meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables. It was good to spend time together. By the way, it was delicious. Mom, I miss your homecooked meals.

Next, we got ready, and we went to the church to decorate for the Independence Party. We dressed up in red, green, and white. There were also mexican dishes. Pozole, which is a soup with hominy and salsa, is a very common dish during the holidays. I believe the church really enjoyed the fellowship together.

The grito is a re-enactment of when Miguel Hidalgo encouraged the people to revolt against the Spainiards. We went downtown to participate in the grito. There were a lot of people gathered together as we yelled viva mexico and sang the national anthem. Beautiful fireworks were also displayed this night! I am blessed to be able to experience a different culture!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Team Leon

Ben will be leaving soon! Therefore, we have been spending a lot of time together. It has been a blessing to work with these people. I don't know what we would do without the boys. They keep us laughing and on our feet. They are sweet too (when they want to be). God is good and knew what he was doing when he put us together. What an awesome God we have!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Prayer Requests

Racing at the arcade reminds me of how life flies by and how much smoother it is when we place God 1st letting Him guide us through life. I have been thinking and praying more and more about how long I will be staying here in Leon. I have not decided yet; however, I have been leaning more towards staying til mid February. I would like to stay longer than December, because I will be graduating from AIM in March. Also I plan on attending a university in Lubbock of August 2009. God has blessed me through being here and will continue to bless me through whatever decisions I make. However, please pray that I make wise decisions. Things are changing and I will be facing new challenges and experiences when I get back to the states. I know that these decisions that I will be making will affect my future, so pray that I am smart and enjoy life at the same time. Through all my future decisions, I want to glorify God! He is the one who gives me life and reason for life, so I must give Him my praise by my life! Thank you for all of your support and I love you all!

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.